Clare Lodge School is located within Clare Lodge secure children’s home. Our ethos believes that education is a fundamental right for every young woman placed. Setting a good foundation through education is one of the most important contributions the Service can make to a young person's future and life chances and is of major importance if they are to pursue their aspirations.
For many, Clare Lodge provides a first positive education experience. The ethos of the school is to build on this and give students a sense of being successful and valued, and provide them with as many opportunities to experience success as possible.
· We provide an individualised education programme for each young person, which is designed according to age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs, underpinned by our curriculum model
· All young people take part in baseline assessments soon after their arrival with their needs highlighted in Individual Education Plans (IEP), As soon as their assessment is complete, the young person will be offered support and, where indicated. All staff will be aware of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and targets for each individual and will ensure that all tasks are presented to suit a range of learning styles and adapted to individuals where appropriate.
· Our ethos for the school is also underpinned by the Trauma Recovery Model (TRM). This is used alongside our care and health colleagues to give a holistic approach to the education of the “whole child”
· Many of our students arrive with a reluctance to engage in education as their experience has been based on what they see as failure. Therefore, we celebrate all their achievements, no matter how big or small they are
· Students are taught in groups of 4 with a Qualified teacher and a Teaching Assistant
· We offer accreditation and qualifications at a range of levels: from Functional Skills Entry Levels 1 to Level 2 in English, maths and ICT as well as ASDAN and AQA unit awards
· We are keen to ensure that whatever successes our young people have enjoyed whilst with us, can be taken with them and transferred onto their next educational setting
· At Clare Lodge we have commissioned an external provider to work with all education staff to provide up-to-date specific Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) information and training and to provide the students with impartial careers advice.
Careers advice for Young People at Clare Lodge.
At Clare Lodge, we believe that a key function of education is to support students through the process of deciding upon the direction they take after leaving school.
Our curriculum allows all pupils to undertake the transition from learners to workers and to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their abilities.
We provide impartial guidance and advice on further education, training or employment across KS3 and KS4 involving many outside agencies such as employers and education providers such as AIM apprenticeship and Ideas4Careers.
We are working closely with The Careers and Enterprise Company, to ensure that our Careers Programme provides a quality service to the students.
We are currently working towards gaining the nationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.
Our Careers Leader is Rita Malton. If you have any queries about careers, please contact the team on 01733 253246 or email at rita.malton@peterborough.gov.uk
Please see the following Policies below - Access & CEIAG Policies