A Secure Children's Home for Young People


Recruitment processes for all staff employed within the service are Warner compatible and assessment based. All staff are fully vetted before employment and are subject to enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) disclosure checks. All staff have a job description detailing main areas of accountability and are required to acknowledge in writing their responsibility to ensure the protection of the young women entrusted to their care.

After starting employment, staff are given clear guidelines for responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse. This is backed by training received during each worker's induction and on an ongoing basis thereafter to ensure all are familiar with responsibilities under the procedures and are competent in preventing and identifying abuse and in responding to disclosures.

Clare Lodge's principles of approach to safeguarding are:

  • Young women have the right to receive protection from all forms of abuse and are given support which is reassuring and informative
  • Anyone may raise concerns about the possible abuse of young women and that all concerns raised are taken seriously, investigated, and dealt with sensitively
  • Investigations and support offered are cognisant of the wishes of the young woman taking account of their age, circumstances and understanding. Thereafter young women are kept informed of the process and progress of the investigation  
  • Information is shared and that all investigations incorporate an independent element. The investigation process does not prejudice the right of the young woman to pursue their concern / allegation through other channels e.g. directly to the police.   All allegations are managed independently by the placing authority and the Peterborough City Council Safeguarding Manager.  Allegations in respect of staff generally result in the removal of the employee whilst the multi-agency investigation takes place.